Frame style and shape matters when you’re choosing sunglasses for your face, but these aren’t the only factors to consider. Just as the right frame helps to balance the shape of the face, so should the colour of the glasses and lenses be for your hair and skin colour.
It is important to pick sunglasses that compliment the natural undertone of your hair and skin. Undertones normally come in two shades; warm and cool. To distinguish between the two; cool undertones are your pinks and reds and the warm undertones are normally your yellows and orange.
More simply put, if you tend to burn easily in the sun, your undertone is that of cool. For those lucky ones who appear to be tan all year around and are not so prone to skin burn, your are blessed with a warm undertone.
When it comes to matching sunglasses with hair colour, it can be a bit more difficult just because hair is made up of so many different colours and undertones.
Light Skin, Light Hair:
Stick to darker colours, but don’t immediately opt for black. A neutral or brown will suit you good. Even consider gold, dark blue or rich pinks.
Medium Skin; Medium Dark Hair:
Medium skin tones need something equally as medium in order to balance the skin tone and hair colour properly. An orange will compliment very well.
If you are a cool medium, choose something that will highlight the pink in your skin tone.
Try blues, lighter greens, purple or even sunglasses with white frames.
Black Hair:
Great for statement colours! Primary and secondary colours will do wonders for you. So opt for something like tortoise, rich blues and whites.
With all of this being stated, you should choose the colour and shape that makes you feel like a rock star! If you can pull it off why not?